
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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September 2018

>>September (Page 3)


ASBU, AIBD Seek Stronger Cooperation


The Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) and AIBD pledged to expand their cooperation in capacity building activities for their members.


In their annual partnership committee meeting held in New Delhi, India on 11 May 2018, Mr Abdul Rahim Suleiman, ASBU Director General, committed to bringing in more Arab participants and  speakers to the Asia Media Summit (AMS) in 2019.


Through the Asia Media Summit, Mr Suleiman stressed the need to present a more positive perspective of the Arab world.


“The Arab world should not be characterised as simply a region where there is much conflict and violence; there are bright spots in the region that need to be known across the globe, including Asia-Pacific, and the AMS is a good venue for this”, he said.


He also advised AIBD to avoid holding the AMS on dates that conflict with the Ramadan period to  ensure more participation from the Arab world. He also said that they will make available translators to enhance engagement of Arab speakers with participants from Asia-Pacific.


AIBD Director Chang Jin thanked ASBU for their continuing support to the AMS and other activities of the Institute and said they would include participation of Arab speakers and make available translation facility in the conference.


Mr Mohamed bin Saad Aljuris, Adviser to the President of Saudi Broadcasting Corporation, Saudi Arabia, expressed support for the summit, saying this was  a good platform to enhance understanding and  strengthen cooperation between the two regions.


Mr Suleiman also pledged US$5,000 as support for the AIBD World TV Awards, and committed to including an ASBU member as part of  the jury for the competition. On the 4th regional workshop on digital radio, which ASBU has supported, he said they will continue to send participants as well as to the proposed AIBD workshop on social media.


AIBD and ASBU agreed to organise a workshop on hybrid broadcasting (HbbTV), which Mr Suleiman said is a hot topic among ASBU members.


Mr Suleiman also pointed out that ASBU is promoting online training programmes in three languages to build capacity and competence of their members. Online programme topics will include social media, training of trainers, production, and one on radio. In June, ASBU will launch the online programme on mobile journalism. He said face-to-face training will be converted into an online model in order to benefit more members and make training materials more accessible to them. He  also said that ASBU was ready to partner with AIBD in organising online programmes and requested the Institute to identify trainers for these programmes.


Director Chang Jin said the Institute is ready to cooperate in this endeavour while Mrs Philomena Gnanapragasam, Head of AIBD Programme Department, said the Institute has plans to introduce a similar approach to training. 


Eight ASBU members and AIBD staff joined the hour-long meeting. 

  1. AIBD Director Chang Jin reported the Institute with support from ASBU will continue to organise the 4th regional workshop on digital radio in Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Mr Chang Jin also said it will seek ASBU assistance for the AIBD World TV Awards in 2019. Mr Abdul Rahim Suleiman, ASBU Director General, agreed to this request and offered five thousand US dollars (US$5,000) for this project. He also asked AIBD to formally write a letter to ASBU inviting an ASBU member to be part of the jury in this competition. He also requested AIBD TO present an ASBU two-minute audio-visual trailer during the Awards.
  3. Mr Suleiman commented that  few delegates from ASBU-member countries participated in the Asia Media Summit 2018, but he committed to bring more ASBU members to join the next AMS in 2019.. He also requested AIBD to make available translation facilities to enable Arab speakers to full engage in the summit. ASBU is ready to bring in translator and cover their costs. He requested for a formal letter inviting ASBU to  attend the AMS as well as to provide translators.
  4. Mr Mohamed bin Saad Al-Jaris, Adviser to the President of Saudi Radio and Television Commission, Saudi Arabia, expressed support for more Arab participants, including translators to ensure presence of Arab members. The AMS is  a good platform, he said, to enhance understanding and  strengthen cooperation between the two regions.
  5. Director Chang Jin thanked ASBU for its support and said as a partner, AIBD won’t impose any  conference fee. He stressed the benefits of their  members’ participation in the AMS. He also urged ASBU to support the Institute’ workshop on social media.  ASBU agreed to send participants to this activity.
  6. Both AIBD and ASBU agreed to organise a workshop on hybrid broadcasting (HbbTV), which is a hot topic among ASBU members.
  7. Mr Suleiman pointed out that ASBU is promoting online training programmes in three languages to build capacity and competence of their members. Online programme topics will include mobile journalism, verification, storytelling, election, and one on radio. In June, it will launch the online program on mobile journalism. He said face-to-face training will be converted into an online model in order to benefit more members and make training materials more accessible to them. He said initial funds will come from the European Fund to support 18 participants per course. He also said that ASBU was ready to partner with AIBD in organising online programmes and requested the Institute to identify trainer for these programmes. Director Chang Jin said the Institute is ready to cooperate in this endeavour while Mrs Philomena Gnanapragasam, Head of AIBD Programme Department,  said the Institute has plans to introduce a similar approach to training.   
  8. Mr Suleiman stressed the need to present a more positive perspective of the Arab world through the Asia Media Summit. He said the Arab world should not be characterised as simply a region where there is much conflict and violence; there are bright spots in the region that need to be known across the glob, including Asia-Pacific.
  9.  Eight ASBU members and AIBD staff joined the meeting that ended at 7:30 pm