Online Training is the new norm during pandemic
COVID pandemic has changed the world, impacting populations, businesses and organizations all over the world. Media organizations in particular have felt the impact more severely and have been looking for ways and means to meet the emerging challenges. Recognizing this need to up-skilling the human resources and capacity building, AIBD organised the Training of Trainers (ToT) online workshop for its member organizations.
A total of 130 registrants have applied online for this ToT workshop for the 23-27 August and 6-10 September batches. But due to the nature of this training which involves in a one-to-one coaching, we can only accepted a maximum of 16 participants for each batch while reflecting a fair distributions of organisations and countries, the shortlisted candidates are directly involved in training function activity of their respective organisations.
This specialised ToT programme for Trainer/Instructor development aims at providing the professional staff with the knowledge and skills they need to plan and carry out effective training (formal and on-the-job) and implement core competency development programmes in their organizations. These ToT workshops focused on adopting a Systematic approach to training covering Training needs analysis, Formulation of Training Objectives, Instructional Design, Principles of Adult Learning and their Applications and assessment/evaluation of the training programmes. It was about how to plan, deliver and evaluate structured training programmes, but does not focus on specific skills or job practices in media organizations.
The original two-week standardized structure and curriculum of the ToT workshop was compressed and aligned to make it suitable for on-line delivery in one-week duration. The salient features of the workshop were experiential learning and learning by doing, interactive lecture sessions, group exercises and project work, individually as well as in groups’ presentations, all done on-line. There was lot of interest and active participation by the participants in all the activities of the workshop in spite limitations of on-line mode of the activity. This helped in meeting the objectives of the workshop and demonstrated the assimilation of learning by the participants.
The second batch of another 16 participants will commence their training from Monday to Friday (6-10 September 2021) next week. Due to overwhelming responses, AIBD is planning more such TOT workshops in the near future to cater for the members’ developmental needs.