
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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Author: Saqib Sheikh

>Articles posted by Saqib Sheikh

A group of 16 broadcasters from around the South East Asian region came to Kuala Lumpur for a three day Smartphone workshop from March 13-15.

Participants learnt how to shoot video, frame shots and compose pictures, choose good lighting, and use their phone apps to best advantage. They also learnt about social media usage and how to file smartphone reports to many social media platforms.

During a practical exercise, course participants were sent out to gather reports for a news broadcast, using only their smartphones to capture, edit and file their stories.

Aiza, from RTM described the process:

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, table, office, screen and indoor

A group of 16 broadcasters from around the South East Asian region came to Kuala Lumpur for a three day Smartphone workshop from March 13-15.

Participants learnt how to shoot video, frame shots and compose pictures, choose good lighting, and use their phone apps to best advantage. They also learnt about social media usage and how to file smartphone reports to many social media platforms.

During a practical exercise, course participants were sent out to gather reports for a news broadcast, using only their smartphones to capture, edit and file their stories.

Aiza, from RTM described the process:

“On the first day we took three videos, 5 still photos and 2 audio recordings. We then evaluated them to discover how to take good photos using smartphones.

“We also learnt about the rule of thirds for composition, how to get good lighting and how to edit footage for our reports in the phone…

“We used our work to produce a news bulletin with seven items, live crosses and live hosting.”

 Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and indoor

 Comments from Course Participants included:

Mazliha Hamzah from RTM Malaysia says: “So exciting… a great course. If we do not use smartphones and social media in media workplaces it can lead to hundreds of thousands of hours in lost productivity per year. Thank you so much Mr Steve.”

Faisal Jamal from RTM Malaysia said this workshop “is very informative and useful for journalists, especially at the uncomfortable situation like disaster/war/demonstration.”

Phanu Matchimafrom Thailand : “Great! We can do broadcasting by smartphone, thanks for Steve Ahern and all the classmates who took me high.”

Sukma Azurafrom Malaysia : “I really enjoy this course. Got new knowledge, experience on smart phone and new friends also.

Mohd Syukri Abu Bakarfrom Malaysia : “Steve Ahern, thumbs up!”

Zairul Eizam: I learnt, don’t think about quality, think about content (Steve Ahern, 2017)”

Pyae Phyo Hlaing from Myanmar: “This workshop is very good but, I am felling three days is too little.”

Vu Hai Dang from Vietnam : “This is an interesting class for how to make a report, new for TV by smartphone. Combining social networking and more apps helps me get information the quickest and most effective way.”

Kamal from RTM Malaysia: “3 things that I learn from this Smartphone Course; One: I learn how to produce simple news, Two: I can play with new apps and explore it through this course AND Three: I see how important to use lights technique in shooting visuals.”

Some examples of the smartphone compiled and edited reports are at these links. They are raw files with some weaknesses, but they show how much can be done with smartphones.



  Image may contain: 19 people, people standing and indoor  

A group of 16 broadcasters from around the South East Asian region came to Kuala Lumpur for a three day Smartphone workshop from March 13-15.

Participants learnt how to shoot video, frame shots and compose pictures, choose good lighting, and use their phone apps to best advantage. They also learnt about social media usage and how to file smartphone reports to many social media platforms.

During a practical exercise, course participants were sent out to gather reports for a news broadcast, using only their smartphones to capture, edit and file their stories.

Aiza, from RTM described the process:

Drama producers of the National Television and Radio Company (Uzbekistan MTRK) are advised to learn more about the rich culture of the People’s Republic of China.

Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film & Television (SAPPRFT) Mr Yan Chengsheng believes with better understanding of the diverse culture of China, it would further strengthen the existing cordial bilateral relationships between the peoples of both countries.

Presentation of AIBD Awards Winners at General Conference 2016 Inauguration

The announcement and presentation of the winners of the AIBD TV & Radio Awards 2016 was conducted at the Inauguration Ceremony of the AIBD General Conference in Tehran, Iran on 25 August 2016. The winners were each presented with a certificate, trophy and USD 500 as reward for their special programmes.

Award winner Mr Jae Eung Jong, Director, Educational Broadcasting System, Korea


The In-Country Workshop on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management was held in Bangkok from 30 to 31 March 2016. Our host and partner for this event was the Public Relations Department (PRD) of the Government of Thailand and the event was held at their headquarters. The Bangkok office of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) both provided resource persons to make this workshop possible. The workshop was attended by 28 producers, journalists and media officers from different departments in PRD.