
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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August 2013

>2013 (Page 4)

The presentation of the winners of the AIBD TV & Radio Awards 2013 was conducted at the Inauguration Ceremony of the 39th Annual Gathering and 12th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings in Yangon, Myanmar on 12 August 2013. The winners were each presented with a certificate, trophy and USD 500 as reward for their special programmes.

The presentation of the winners of the AIBD TV & Radio Awards 2013 was conducted at the Inauguration Ceremony of the 39th Annual Gathering and 12th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings in Yangon, Myanmar on 12 August 2013. The winners were each presented with a certificate, trophy and USD 500 as reward for their special programmes.

Mrs Ni Made Suartini of Radio Republik Indonesia, Ms Pascale Bourgaux of France24 and Mr Biju Mathew of All-India Radio receiving their awards at the GC Inauguration Ceremony 2013

Mr Yasir Khan of Al-Jazeera, Qatar delivers his award acceptance message

AIBD TV AWARD 2013 on “The Best TV Programme on Cross-Cultural Exchange”

“Camels in the Outback”

This documentary looks at a Qatari camel herder who heads to Australia to witness the mass killing of camels, considered no longer useful to the state.

AIBD TV AWARD 2013 on “The Best TV Programme on Economic Recession and Impact on Developing Countries”

“Iran: Awakening Dissent”

This news feature documents the effect of the economic crisis on the internal situation in Iran, particularly on the carpet industry, which has been adversely effected. 

AIBD RADIO AWARD 2013 on “The Best Radio Programme on Water Conservation”

“Subak, Water Religious and Justification”

This programme looks at the unique water irrigation system called Subak found in Bali, Indonesia, which has gained tremendous praise and acceptance


REINHARD KEUNE’S MEMORIAL AWARD 2013 on “The Best Radio Programme Promoting Rural Development”

“A Village Rejuvenated”

This programme looks at the Elappully village in Kerala, India, as a positive development model. The village managed to resuscitate its community and living standards to give a good example for rural development in India.


The Korea Radio Promotion Association (RAPA), in cooperation with AIBD, is promoting their ‘Donation of Broadcasting Equipment Program’ to provide developing countries with broadcast equipment. This international cooperative programme offers analogue and digital broadcast equipment to beneficiary countries, a part of South Korea’s ODA (Official Development Assistance) project.