AIBD, together with our host organisation, the Ministry of Information of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia are pleased to invite AIBD members and partners to the 40th Annual Gathering / 13th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, to be held from August 13 – 15, 2014 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
AIBD, together with our host organisation, the Ministry of Information of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia are pleased to invite AIBD members and partners to the 40th Annual Gathering / 13th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, to be held from August 13 – 15, 2014 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The venue of the Conference will be Intercontinental Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where the delegates for the conference and accompanying persons will also be accommodated.
We will hold two days of the annual meetings from 13-14 August 2014 including General Conference, Strategic Plan Team Meeting and Executive Board Meeting bringing together all AIBD members, affiliates and partners.
A full-day excursion will be organised on 15 August 2014 for all delegates and accompanying persons to show the beauty and serenity of Cambodia, a country rich in cultural heritage and natural beauty.
We sincerely hope that you will join us in making the AIBD General Conference 2014 a resounding success.
We warmly welcome you and look forward to the opportunity of meeting all our colleagues in Phnom Penh!
Invitation to AIBD GC 2014
AIBD, together with our host organisation, the Ministry of Information of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia are pleased to invite AIBD members and partners to the 40th Annual Gathering / 13th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, to be held from August 13 - 15, 2014 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
GC 2013 Concludes in Myanmar
The 39th Annual Gathering / 12th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, hosted by Forever Group and Ministry of Information from 12 - 15 August 2013 in Yangon, Myanmar, have concluded with a resounding success.
AIBD EXBO Tackles Training, Finance and Membership
Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand were elected as the new members of the Executive Board for two years at the 12th AIBD General Conference held in Yangon, Myanmar on 13 August 2013. France was re-elected for the second term.
Invitation to AIBD GC 2013
AIBD, together with our host organization Forever Group and co-host (Ministry of Information) are pleased to invite AIBD members and partners to the 39th Annual Gathering / 12th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, to be held from August 12 - 15, 2013 in Yangon, Myanmar.
Myanmar to Host AIBD GC in 2013
Myanmar is to host the 39th annual gathering and 12th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings in July 2013.
AIBD GC 2012 Concludes in Nepal
The 38th Annual Gathering / 11th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, hosted by Nepal Television and Radio Nepal, from July 25 - 27, 2012 in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, has concluded with a great success.
GC Begins on a High Note
The Inauguration Ceremony of the 38th Annual Gathering/11th AIBD General Conference in Kathamandu, Nepal on 25 July 2012 was marked with a call for AIBD to continue charting its unique course in serving its members and the larger vision of regional broadcasting development.
11th AIBD Executive Board Meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal
AIBD members met at the 11th AIBD Executive Board Meeting held on July 25, 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal during the AIBD General Conference. During the meeting, the Board unanimously elected Pakistan as the new Chair of the Executive Board.
AIBD GC 2012 to Open
Preparations for the 38th Annual Gathering and 11th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings are in full swing. The GC 2012 will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal from July 25-27, 2012, hosted by Nepal Television and Radio Nepal.
AIBD GC 2012
AIBD, together with our host organizations - Nepal Television and Radio Nepal, are pleased to invite AIBD members and partners to the 38th Annual Gathering / 11th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, to be held from July 25 - 27, 2012 in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal.