
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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>Training (Page 28)

Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) ran the “Digital Switchover Techniques & Policy Course” from the August 17th to August 25th. The course was the second collaboration course with AIBD (Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development) this year, and twenty-one broadcasting experts from fourteen AIBD member countries were invited by KISA. The countries invited include Maldives, Malaysia, Lao, Cambodia, Iran, Micronesia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

Trainees attended lectures regarding digital switchover techniques and policies by Korean ICT experts and professors for 8 nights. They visited KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) and SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System) for the broadcasting production site. The trainees attended the lectures and field trip with great interest, and were proactive and enthusiastic by asking many questions. In addition, attendees introduced the broadcasting and communication industry status of their home country during country report presentation session.

A cultural experience session was held on the weekends. They visited the national folk museum and viewed beautiful Korean culture relics, and also had the opportunity to make a traditional Korean fan. Then, they had a wonderful time watching the non-verbal performance “Nanta”, and at night, they visited Namsan N Seoul Tower to enjoy the beautiful night scenery of Seoul.

On the last day of the course, the trainees visited Gangwon Information & Multimedia Corporation located in Chuncheon, in order to observe the 3D animation production processes. They also visited the animation center and animation museum to understand the animation industry in Korea.

[img_assist|nid=1502|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=67]The successful implementation of the digital switchover set by 2020 will require a strong leadership of government, firm decision of analogue TV switch-off date, close cooperation of regulator and market parties, clear and timely regulatory framework and an adequate information and assistance to viewers.

Mr. Kim Kikwon, ITU Project Manager on Digital Broadcast TV, gave this message today to participants of the pre-summit seminar on ‘Strengthening the Digital Broadcasting Experience” at the Melia Hotel in Hanoi. He said countries must realize and manage the complexity of the switchover process.

AIBD/IRIB In-country workshop on Entertainment Programmes (Talk shows) for Radio at IRIB in Tehran

AIBD in collaboration with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting organized an In-country workshop on Entertainment Programmes  on Talk shows for radio  from 07 to 12 January 2011 in Tehran.Thirty radio announcers and producers learnt how to improve the quality of their radio talkback programs. During the five day workshop, the broadcasters learnt about talkback formats across the world, with a view to exploring different ways of delivering their program content. Audience research, active and passive listening trends, and how to connect with listeners beyond just the telephone were all covered in the course. In addition broadcast techniques using new media, then emails, sms and social networking interaction with radio talk shows was also examined. Because talkback is different depending on whether there is a guest, an expert or the announcer is simply talking directly to the audience, a range of techniques were developed in the students, who completed a series of practical exercises during the course.
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In January 2011 Part 2 of the In-country workshop on Entertainment Programmes focusing on Game shows for Radio was hosted by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting organised in collaboration with AIBD. This practical oriented workshop was attended by  presentation and production personnel at IRIB . Part one on Entertainment programmes which preceeded this workshop was on talk shows while part 2 covered content, planning, presentation and production techniques for producing radio game shows.

Environmental sustainability, notably climate change, has become an unprecedented concern in the 21st century, and Central Asia was no exception.

AIBD-UNESCO-IPDC In-country workshop on Capacity Building of TV News Reporters for Environmental Sustainability was held from 17 to 23 November 2010 at Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) in Almaty. A local environmental non-governmental organization Central Asia Regional Environmental Centre (CAREC) partnered AIBD and the host organization KIMEP to successfully conclude the project.