Pre-Summit workshop on Leadership to be held in Bali
Regional Pre-Summit Workshop on
Leaders for Digital Revolution
22 May 2023
Bali, Indonesia
Digital transformation has created a new environment and unique challenges for all broadcasters, especially public service broadcasters. The growing use of digital technology by the masses has resulted in wide range of challenges and also a wide range of applications that now make work efficient. The dimensions of this phenomenon are now being discussed and debated in the widely. With the winds of the digital transformation sweeping across every area of society today, we now see global communication with no barriers. Digital transformation is also putting pressure on broadcasters to remain sustainable. The immediate challenge that confronts broadcasters is managing the transformation and figuring out how to use digital transformation for the growth of the organisation.
This workshop explores the development of media capacity through managerial and technological innovation. The progressive approach that is necessary for media leadership will be thoroughly covered in this workshop. How can we work to modify leadership philosophies and organisational structures for the digital age? What kind of leaders are needed to ensure the process is successful, the transformation of organisations, the transformation of the economy, and the transformation of our personal lives?
To create a workshop for the exchange of information, knowledge, and experiences so that participants or media representatives can share and acquire new information or expertise pertinent to their needs.
Expected outcome
- Participants can critically look at where they (their organisations) are and understand their media management leadership and identify areas that they can improve
- Participants develop a skill set that they can bring back to their organisation and use for improvement.
- Participants would be able to acquire new ideas on how to stay innovative in media.
- Media Management
- Digital Literacy
- Application of Social and Digital Technology
- Implications of Social and Digital Technologies
- Digital Transformation
2. Leaders as a catalyst for Transformation
- New Disruption, New Experience
- Identifying Obstacles to change
- How to adapt to change or risk of getting left behind
- Specific solutions to overcome problems
3 Adopting Technology – creating innovative leaders
- Leaders and new set of Skills
- Factors Influencing Leadership on Digitalization
- Style of Leadership suits for Digital Age
- Pillars of Leadership