
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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>Uncategorized >Mastering Sports Coverage: An AIBD Regional Webinar on Sports Broadcast & Journalism Fundamentals

Mastering Sports Coverage: An AIBD Regional Webinar on Sports Broadcast & Journalism Fundamentals

By Dinnierose Raiko

Panel of Speakers: Top R-L : Veteran Broadcaster Mr. Rajeev Kumar Shukla, Moderator Mr Salesh Kumar & AIR’s Mr. Sivakumar  – Bottom R-L: Veteran Commentator Dr. Emeka Odikpo & AIBD Programme Manager & Session Producer Ms. Dinnierose Raiko


Moderator Mr. Salesh Kumar










During the recent AIBD Regional Webinar on Sports Broadcast and Journalism Fundamentals, a group of experienced speakers broke down the essentials of commentary, explored effective storytelling, and outlined crucial basics for top-notch sports coverage. These seasoned professionals shared their insights, drawing from years of hands-on experience in the field.

The webinar, deftly moderated by Mr. Salesh Kumar from Fiji, a distinguished journalist, broadcaster, and educator,

offered a platform for industry experts to share their invaluable knowledge.

Mr. Viswambharan Nair Sivakumar, Assistant Director of Programmes at All India Radio, emphasized the strategic significance of early promotional efforts, stating, “Launching promos well in advance of an event serves as a strategic maneuver to heighten audience anticipation and excitement.”

He goes on to share a comprehensive view of their acclaimed sports event coverages. His expertise provides a detailed blueprint for successful coverages at least for his part of the world, showcasing the precision and dedication required. Sivakumar’s strategies encompass early promotional campaigns, celebrity involvement for heightened engagement, and live coverage for major national events like the Olympics and Asian Games. He also emphasized on the criticality of securing broadcast rights, meticulous planning for venue access, and preparedness for weather and logistical challenges along with a feedback loop that ensures continuous improvement, completing a comprehensive approach to sports broadcasting.

Mr. Viswambharan Nair Sivakumar, Assistant Director of Programmes at All India Radio

Sivakumar’s insights unveil the art of sports coverage, demonstrating the meticulous planning and unwavering commitment that define Prasar Bharati’s broadcasts. From strategic promotions to engaging celebrities, and prioritizing significant events, every aspect is finely tuned for maximum impact. By securing rights, coordinating access, and addressing logistical hurdles, the team ensures uninterrupted coverage. Sivakumar’s holistic strategy, including a robust feedback mechanism, guarantees that Prasar Bharati remains at the forefront of sports broadcasting, delivering exceptional experiences to viewers nationwide.



Dr. Emeka Odikpa, a prominent figure in sports broadcasting added great perspective to the mix and could not emphasize enough the transformative potential of commentary. He highlighted, “Commentary serves as a medium to unveil the rich narratives that lie beneath the surface, adding depth to “Sports commentary is more than just relaying the action; it’s about uncovering the intricate narratives beneath,” says the veteran commentator. Be it a local match or a global event like the FIFA World Cup,

Commentary has the unique power to convey narratives that might elude traditional news presentations.

Nigerian Veteran Commentator and Broadcast Consultant Dr. Emeka Odikpo

Dr. Odikpa also shared that meticulous research and preparation are paramount. Understanding the historical context and local sentiments of the hosting location is crucial. This knowledge not only ensures accuracy but also fosters empathy in the narrative. Additionally, he stressed the criticality of maintaining impartiality and equilibrium in commentary. Listeners and viewers rely on commentators to present an unbiased account of events, forming the bedrock of effective storytelling in sports broadcasting. Beyond sports commentary, Dr. Odikpa extended the influence of storytelling to various facets of media, from programming to business ventures. The ability to craft a compelling narrative is a potent tool for engaging audiences, forging connections, and driving meaningful interactions. Dr. Emeka Odikpa’s invaluable insights offer aspiring broadcasters and enthusiasts alike a profound understanding of the pivotal role sports commentary plays in storytelling, leaving an indelible mark on the industry and the viewers’/listeners’ experience.”

Mr. Rajeev Kumar Shukla, Former Additional Director General for All India Radio

Mr. Rajeev Kumar Shukla, the Former Additional Director General for All India Radio and a luminary in the realm of sports broadcasting, imparted a wealth of wisdom drawn from his expansive career. He traversed his evolution from an ardent sports enthusiast to a distinguished broadcaster, illuminating the flourishing landscape of commentary across various Indian languages. He paid homage to figures like Mr. Jasdev Singh, whose contributions to hockey commentary stand as a testament to the diversity and richness of Indian sports coverage. Mr. Shukla’s extensive tenure across diverse stations in India provided him with a distinctive vantage, offering deep insights into the varied sports traditions and ways of life that define different regions of the nation. His exposure on the global stage with the Voice of America vividly highlighted the fervor surrounding American sports.

Addressing the challenges of sports broadcasting in India, Mr. Shukla observed a notable shift towards year-round coverage, particularly in the realm of cricket, propelled by commercial interests. He regaled the audience with anecdotes from pivotal international events, including the 2012 London Olympic Games and the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games. Through these narratives, he shed light on the formidable challenges of orchestrating coverage across a multitude of events, often complicated by language barriers in host countries. As he explored the evolving media landscape, Mr. Shukla emphasized the imperatives of continuous innovation and value augmentation to captivate modern audiences. He underscored the pivotal role of accuracy, objectivity, and multilingualism, particularly in a culturally diverse nation like India.

Looking ahead, Mr. Shukla painted an optimistic picture of the future of sports journalism and broadcasting and emphasized the need for maintaining competitiveness, sharing knowledge, and fostering collaborations to elevate performances and deliver captivating content to sports enthusiasts. His insights stand as a guiding beacon for budding sports broadcasters navigating the ever-changing terrain of this dynamic field.

With a global audience of over 60 attendees hailing from Asia, the Pacific, and Africa, the webinar provided a truly enriching experience. Participants left with a deeper understanding of the nuances in sports coverage, further cementing the event’s significance.

The webinar brought to light that sports coverage is a multifaceted endeavor, demanding meticulous planning, compelling storytelling, and adaptability. The panel of speakers collectively shared on the precision and dedication required to excel in the realm of sports reporting and broadcasting.

As the webinar concluded, over 60 attendees, spanning 3 continents, departed with a newfound appreciation for the artistry behind sports coverage. The speakers’ invaluable insights are poised to shape the future of sports journalism, promising a more engaging and immersive experience for audiences worldwide.

In an ever-evolving field and in the bigger evolving media scape, the AIBD Regional Webinar stands as a pivotal platform for industry leaders to share their knowledge and influence the trajectory of sports journalism and broadcast. The global reach of the event only goes to show the interest and impact in this particular strand of journalism and broadcast.