
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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April 2016

“Who’s on your team?”
That’s the question facilitator Dr. David Mould, Professor Emeritus of Media Arts and Studies at Ohio University (U.S.A.), posed to participants at the end of the first day of an AIBD/IPPTAR regional course on training-of-trainers.

“Who’s on your team?”
That’s the question facilitator Dr. David Mould, Professor Emeritus of Media Arts and Studies at Ohio University (U.S.A.), posed to participants at the end of the first day of an AIBD/IPPTAR regional course on training-of-trainers.
To analyze the links between jobs and functions in a broadcasting organization, each participant completed a networking diagram, called the “Star exercise.”  On a sheet of paper, each drew a circle in the center to indicate their position in the organization.  Then they added circles in outer rings to indicate the people, departments or areas they dealt with in doing their job.  
Lines and arrows between the center circle and outer circles indicated the one or two-way flow of communication (instructions, information, paperwork and so on).  Finally, each participant highlighted the two or three relationships they considered most important. 
“We tend to think that our team as those in the same department or those who report to the same boss,” said David.  “Actually, most of us find that we work more with people from other departments than we do with people in our own.”
Network diagrams are important for training needs analysis. “Sometimes training is needed because people are not performing to standard—either because of lack of knowledge or skills or because of their attitude,” said David.  “But sometimes the problem lies elsewhere.  If there’s a breakdown or blockage in the network, you simply can’t do your job well.”
Participants agreed that the exercise showed not only how complex their jobs were, but how much they depended on other people in their network. Few remarks from the participants on star exercise: 
Ms Nguyen Thi Phuoc, Head of Faculty of Journalism, VOV’s Broadcasting College, Vietnam

We do our jobs every day and we know how to deal with in doing our jobs. But when David asked us to consider every participant as a center of a star and then out people/departments that we connect every day in daily jobs, draw arrows to show how we receive/give things to each other.

I realised how complicated our relations in workplace and how important to develop our ability in teamwork.

That will make stars shine and twinkle.

Mrs Sumonpan Kosonsiriset, Director, Institute of Public Relations, NBT, Thailand

The star exercise is good and fun to do. It gives us clear picture of doing our duties that involves with many people at different levels, and with different directions and approaches.

It makes us realise that everybody has roles to play and that we can’t leave out any one in a process of training management.

Ms Munira Murad, Head of Integrity, IPPTAR, Malaysia

Interesting, understand better our boundaries in communication within our organsiation.

Eight professional broadcasters—six from IPPTAR, one each from Thailand and Vietnam—attended the two-week workshop at AIBD in Kuala Lumpur, April 4-15, 2016. One AIBD Programme Manager also attended, making the total number of nine participants.  
The workshop covered the aims of training, principles of adult learning, job analysis, training needs analysis, motivational theory, training objectives, online learning, demonstrations, case studies, role plays, session design, evaluation and assessment and related topics.  Using questionnaires and discussion, the workshop also focused on “soft skills” including team-building, motivation and organisational communication.  For the final project, participants presented a proposal for a training course in their area of expertise.  
“Assume you’re presenting to management,” David told them.  “The budget is tight, and management isn’t convinced that training is needed. How will you show that your training will offer a good return on investment?” 
“All the participants were subject experts, but faced challenges in organising and communicating knowledge and skills and assessing learning,” said David.  “I urged them to come up with clear and measurable training objectives, to make their training, activity-based and to draw on the experiences and perspectives of their trainees.” 

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The In-Country Workshop on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management was held in Bangkok from 30 to 31 March 2016. Our host and partner for this event was the Public Relations Department (PRD) of the Government of Thailand and the event was held at their headquarters. The Bangkok office of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) both provided resource persons to make this workshop possible. The workshop was attended by 28 producers, journalists and media officers from different departments in PRD.

  1. AIBD is pleased to announce that the official venue of Asia Media Summit 2016 will be theSongdo Convensia (Convention) Center. The Convensia is located in Songdo IBD, Songdo International City, Incheon Free Economic Zone, Incheon.
  2. AMS 2016 Registration Deadline

    The deadline for AMS 2016 registration is Friday, 15 April 2016 which is approaching fast. If you have not done this, please register online as soon as possible at the link here. We are asking for registration by the deadline for logistical purposes.
  3. AMS 2016 Hotels Registration Deadline

    The official hotel for AMS 2016 delegates will be the Oakwood Premier Incheon Hotel, while the satellite hotel will be Orakai Songdo Park Hotel, both located at a close walking distance to the Songdo Convensia (Convention) Center.

    Please note that self-funded bookings must be made directly with the respective hotel.

    Discount rates for Oakwood Premier Incheon Hotelare available until midnight of Sunday, 17 April 2016 using the special promo code,which you will see after the online registration process is complete. From 18 April 2016 standard rates apply!!!

    For full information on the room rates for both Oakwood Premier Incheon Hotel and Orakai Songdo Park Hotel, please register online at the link here.