
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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>AIBD TV & Radio Awards >Announcement of Call of Entry for AIBD Awards 2016

Announcement of Call of Entry for AIBD Awards 2016

AIBD is pleased to announce the opening of call of entry for the AIBD Awards 2016. We are pleased to present this opportunity to all AIBD members and affiliates. Supported by AIBD, this competition will provide the opportunity for television and radio producers to receive international recognition for their work.

The Awards are open in the following two categories:

AIBD is pleased to announce the opening of call of entry for the AIBD Awards 2016. We are pleased to present this opportunity to all AIBD members and affiliates. Supported by AIBD, this competition will provide the opportunity for television and radio producers to receive international recognition for their work.

The Awards are open in the following two categories:

AIBD TV Award for the Best TV programme on:

Reviving Lost Cultural Heritage

Each country possesses its own distinctive cultural practices that have been passed from generation to generation, such as craftsmanship, calligraphy, performing arts, etc. In the rush for modernisation, many of these traditional expressions have been lost or are under threat. How can the society work to revive this precious heritage and keep these traditions alive?

Ending Conflict, Promoting Peace

In recent years, we have seen a sharp rise in wars, sectarian conflicts and civil strife. Not enough attention is paid to those who work to foster goodwill, use diplomacy and build bridges between people. What measures are being taken by people on the ground to work to end disharmony and resolve these problems?

AIBD Radio Award and Reinhard Keune Memorial Radio Award for the Best Radio Programme on:

Escape from Poverty

Item No. 1 on the Sustainable Development Goals announced in September 2015 is to ‘End poverty in all its form everywhere’. The issue of poverty alleviation is critical to the development of many countries, yet it is often described in statistical rather than human terms. What are the real personal stories of escaping poverty that can raise awareness on this topic?

Emergency Broadcasting

The Asia-Pacific region remains especially prone to emergencies, such as natural disasters and other manmade disasters. How has radio been a tool to help affected stakeholders in such situations? What are the best showcases of efforts on radio to handle such emergency scenarios to save lives and restore communities?“The Prize” consists of US$ 500.00 cash, a trophy and a certificate presented by AIBD per Award category.

Winners and runners-up will be announced during the 42nd Annual Gathering / 15th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings, to be hosted by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) in Tehran, Iran from 18 to 20 August 2016.

Please note that producers can submit up to one programme per topic and the deadline for programme submission is 1 July 2016.

Please find the relevant information on criteria, regulations and application forms for the AIBD Television & Radio Awards 2016 at the link here.

We look forward to receiving entries and application forms as soon as possible. For any queries regarding this event, please contact Mr. Saqib Sheikh (AIBD Programme Manager) at[email protected].