AIBD TV & Radio Awards 2018
AIBD is pleased to announce the final winners for the AIBD TV and Radio Awards 2018. The judging session occurred on 16 July 2018 at the AIBD office in Kuala Lumpur. The winners were awarded at the 44th Annual Gathering / 17th AIBD General Conference & Associated Meetings to be held from 2 to 4 August 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The judges board included Dr Ramachandran Ponnan, Taylor’s University, Malaysia; Mr Koichi Okumura, Head of Programming, ABU; Mr Chacko Vadaketh, Voice-over artist and Actor; Mr Ravi Gopal, Media Specialist; Mr Rosli Nordin, Radio TV Malaysia.
Based on the entries received for this award, the panel assessed the entries for the different award categories based on concept and production values. The final award winners are below.
AIBD TV Award 2018 for the best TV programme on Netizens (Uplifting society through internet):
“Friday Special” from PTV World, Pakistan Television – Pakistan
AIBD TV Award 2018 for the best TV programme on Youth Mental Health:
“Facing Depression – A Student’s Perspective” from Channel News Asia, MediaCorp – Singapore
AIBD Radio Award 2018 for the best radio programme on Diversity through Sports:
“From Slum to Glory” from All India Radio – India
Reinhard Keune Memorial Award 2018 for the best radio programme on Uplifting communities through Sustainable Tourism:
“Wending, A Mistry Mountain Village” from China Radio International – China