
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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>EXBO >AIBD Eyes More Quality In-Country Training Workshops

AIBD Eyes More Quality In-Country Training Workshops

Mr Chang Jin, AIBD Director, says the Institute is eyeing more quality training and in-country workshops in its bid to offer better services to members and attract new members.

During the last 12 months, Director Chang Jin reported to the AIBD Executive Board that the Institute implemented 27 training activities benefitting close to 700 broadcasters from 46 countries and regions.

These activities covered various fields such as new media and social media, management, children/gender/youth, digitisation, production and training of trainers, among others.


Mr Chang Jin, AIBD Director, says the Institute is eyeing more quality training and in-country workshops in its bid to offer better services to members and attract new members.

During the last 12 months, Director Chang Jin reported to the AIBD Executive Board that the Institute implemented 27 training activities benefitting close to 700 broadcasters from 46 countries and regions.

These activities covered various fields such as new media and social media, management, children/gender/youth, digitisation, production and training of trainers, among others.

“As we plan for more quality and quantity in our in-country training workshops, we will need to beef up our resources, and members’ assistance will be most critical”, he said.

One thing going for us, he added, has been our strong collaboration with governments, international, regional and national broadcasting organisations.

About 52% of these activities during the last 12 months were in-country workshops while 41% were regional events.

AIBD statistics also showed that some 690 people participated in all the activities, 80% of whom were members.

There were more male participants, about 64%, compared to women participants (36%).

About 87% of these activities were self-funded and 9% fully funded.

Members from Cambodia, France, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines Sri Lanka and Thailand convened the Board on 18 August 2015 in Chiang Mai, Thailand to hear the Director’s report on AIBD’s performance from July 2014 to June 2015.

During the discussions, some EXBO members proposed more focus on new media and social media, in particular their impact on radio, which continues to be a dominant platform in countries like Indonesia.

Mr Chang Jin said the Institute will work out plans to deal with this proposal.

Based on the Director’s report on AIBD’s performance, the Executive Board came out with other proposals to strengthen the Institute.

One, AIBD should find ways to inform Ministers of Communication and Information about AIBD activities, and even invite them to the Asia Media Summit and General Conference for a better appreciation of the Institute’s contribution in the region. The purpose is to ultimately get their governments to become full members.

Two, AIBD will pursue better ways to attract more participation in the World TV Awards and AIBD Awards. Suggestions were raised to hold a content festival for participating organisations, improve rewards to awardees, and get government and industry recognition of AIBD certificates of awards and appreciation. Another recommendation to promote the awards was to use the winning entries as training materials for the workshops.

Three, to enhance capacity building among members, the Institute is calling on members to support the Secondment programmes as practised in previous years.

Four on the financial report, EXBO members requested AIBD to find out the reasons behind payment delays and consider alternative ways to help members in arrears meet their obligations to the Institute.

Finally, EXBO members expressed their gratitude to the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand, The Government Public Relations Department for hosting the 41st annual gathering and 14th AIBD General Conference and Associated Meetings in Chiang Mai.