
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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>News >AIBD New Year Party

AIBD New Year Party

The much awaited annual excursion and AIBD New Year Party materialized on 6th January 2012 when the AIBD family had the pleasure of visiting Port Dickson on a day’s trip.


The much awaited annual excursion and AIBD New Year Party materialized on 6th January 2012 when the AIBD family had the pleasure of visiting Port Dickson on a day’s trip.


Usually busy north-south expressway was unusually quiet on this day and we reached the destination in less than two hours. The venue for the excursion was the Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club overlooking the Straits of Melaka and the staff was on time for breakfast.


The breeze blowing from the Indian Ocean in the morning subdued the heat of the day as the colleagues had enough time to laze around, chit-chat and participate in some indoor games as well which is a rare sight for a staff glued to their computers on a normal working day in the office.


Playing darts or table tennis seemed to be enjoyable for most of them and for that matter even ‘musical chairs’. Some were unable to avoid the temptation of walking along the sandy stretch of the beach, and of course without even ‘sun block’ picking sea-shells or dipping their feet in the rippling waves.


The addition of the members of GMCD’s participation made the outing more colorful and all the more enjoyable.

The official programme commenced with lunch and New Year Party. Mr Yang Binyuan, AIBD Director thanked for the presence of all staff and he invited the staff to enjoy the rest of day as members of one family. He reminded that the Institute had many changes in the last months. However, last year’s success was due to the contributions by each and every hard working member of staff.


He urged the colleagues to work diligently to bring about better performances this year as well. As he mentioned “we all had ups and downs as all others, shared difficulties. But we should not be deterred in our continued persistence, in order to reap benefits and make this Institute’s work more prominent to serve the members while working together with a sense of belonging to the Institute.” He hoped that this informal get together will invigorate all to further work together as a team for the success of the Institute in 2012.


Lunch was followed by various games, singing and lucky draws. The active participation, the laughter and the smiling faces showed that each and every one had fun. The presentation of the ‘Ang Pows’ the traditional Chinese gift as a token of appreciation in keeping with the forthcoming Lunar New Year ended the festive season.

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Though short it was a refreshing, well deserved outing for the staff. Their faces indicated the anticipation and eagerness to meet the challenges for another successful year as AIBD celebrates its 35th anniversary of its establishment in 2012.