
Asia Media Summit 2024

The Asia Media Summit (AMS) is an annual international media conference organised by AIBD as its flagship event. Every year in consultation with the members, partners and various global media gurus, a theme guides the direction and delivery of the summit. Being a unique broadcasting event in Asia-Pacific, it attracts around 500 top-ranking broadcasters, decision makers, media professionals, regulators, scholars, and stakeholders from within and outside the region. Apart from plenary sessions and pre-summit workshops, Asia Media Summit also provides a platform for intergovernmental dialogues to uplift the benchmarks of the regional media industry.


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>Uncategorized >Mediahub Newsletter #19

Mediahub Newsletter #19

Mediahub Market online registration readyThe time has come to rapidly register to Mediahub Market’s exclusive and limited event; a unique networking opportunity with decision makers from the Asia-Pacific media industry… Read more

Mediahub Newsletter 31st October 2011
Latest Mediahub market news
Mediahub Market online registration ready

The time has come to rapidly register to Mediahub Market’s exclusive and limited event; a unique networking opportunity with decision makers from the Asia-Pacific media industry…

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Editor’s Ramblings, by Maxime Villandré

Are you big fans of horror formats? I’m not really a big fan of the genre, but once a year I find them delectable…

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Inside Story
Mediahub Access gets a glossy Mag

Come December Mediahub Access will be adding a new feature to its list of services…

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Week of TV Drama 14-20 November

If content that follows the intimacy of lovers who reveal mysterious affairs is your thing, then you are in for a treat.

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Exposed: Portraits of key world Leaders – FTD

What fuels the desire of these individuals to cast their lives in the public eye to contribute to change and evolution? Is it the lust for power and control or is there a genuine desire to lead mankind to betterment?

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Steve Jobs life on PBS

A look into the life of one of America’s most influential personality promises to shed light on this entrepreneurial genius.

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Apple TV rumors

When the company that revolutionized communications, computing, telephony, music and medias CEO is quoted in a post mortem book, many are ready to believe that there is more to it than a simple rumor…

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Beverly Hills Cop show

The heat is on and it’s on the street or is it on the small screen?

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Interiors – Only Life Style

Ideas for the contemporary urban dwellers to upscale and retake their interior spaces…

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Termehek-Mehek – Trans TV

A real life drama investigation that turns to mystery with the clock ticking and the plot thickening…

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Magic Eye Adventures – Chinanimax

A colorful sci-fi animation with plenty of bizarre and uncommon situations.

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Network & Market
Mediahub Access’ latest members and Network expansion

Have you heard who joined the hub? Here are the latest newcomers…

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The Marty show heading to the outback

Nashville’s cowboys and cowgirls will be serenading kangaroos for three seasons according to a new deal with…

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India showcases Ra power

Ra.One is India’s most expensive blockbuster to date and offers a unique twist on the sci-fi genre.

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FBC free to air

Imminent launch for Fiji Broadcasting Corporation Television (FBC TV)…

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BBC to cut 2,000 jobs

Is BBC tightening the belt of its spending or simply cutting off its arm in an effort to survive?

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Practically Unnoticed…

New Zealand’s last and only independent news agency is no more…

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Upcoming Events
Entertainment Apps Conference

Variety magazine’s show promises more solutions for any firm wanting to venture in new medias such as apps…

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